
Note: The following Documentation assumes you have a use statement for the CupOfTea\Chain\Chain object and abbreviates the full object name to Chain for readability.

Creating The Chain Object

When constructing the Chain Object, you can provide an Application Container to build Classes with. We suggest using Illuminate\Container for this, although any similar containers will do the job just fine as long as the Container has a make method. Of course, the use of a Container is completely optional, and you can just Construct a new Chain instance without any parameters.

$chain = new Chain($container);

$chain = new Chain();

Basic Usage

The minimum methods you need to call on the Chain object are on, call and run. These are respectively used to specify a Class to run the Chain on, the Chain of methods to be called, and execute the chain. The order of any methods called on the Chain Object before run is not important.

The on methods both excepts a Class Name (string) or a Class Instance (object). If a Class Name is provided, Chain will create a new Instance of this Class. If you specified a Container in the Constructor, Chain will use the Container to build it.

The call method accepts both an Array of methods, or you can just pass each method as a new string parameter.

    ->call('method1', 'method2')

$chain->call(['method1', 'method2'])

Chained Method Parameters

Chain allows you to call the Chained methods with a set of parameters you provide. You can do this by using the with method. It takes either an Array of parameters or a set of parameters as arguments. It will call each method with those parameters.

$chain->with('string', $object, 6, true);

$array = ['red', 5, false];

Class Validation

If you want the Class you are Chaining methods on to be an instance of a Class or Interface, you can use the requires method. This method can both be called before or after specifying the Chaining Class, since the check only happens once you run the Chain.


Dealing With Missing Methods

Chain has a 'Forgiving' Mode, in order to not throw an Exceptions when any of the methods is not found on the provided Class. Simply call the forgiving method on the Chain Object to switch to Forgiving Mode.